Movement: Queer and Trans Dance Wave

Movement: Queer and Trans Dance Wave

Radical Healing is excited to collaborate with @living_arts_collective to co-host this Dancewave, an ecstatic dance-inspired community movement experience. We will gather on Saturday, December 14th from 8-10pm at Arthur Murray Dance Studio (410 W Geer Street Durham, NC 27701).
Dancewave is a non-judgmental creative space for queer and trans folx to practice authentic self-expression and embodied liberation in community, enjoyed through immersive sound and movement, accompanied by curated music.
The event is sliding-scale from $5-$25 but $15 is suggested. No one will be turned away for lack of funds!
The registration 🔗:[]=Dancewave%20%28Saturday%20Night%29%20%40%20LAC&fbclid=PAY2xjawHHgadleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABpjgMpN6IBT7-JkeUgvtUtfDwUZML1ohlcj3L923zdZMEwCs1V-ozxWxFnA_aem_VTytTeTWx_PNDwkFZ-RrKw
Masking is optional but highly encouraged. If folx are sick or have been in large crowds, we ask that they test before coming to the event.
We aim to provide a safe space for playful exploration and for experiencing the beauty and freedom of art in its many forms and look forward to seeing you on the 14th and every second Saturday of each month in 2025!
May all beings everywhere feel safe, love and joy…and have plenty of opportunities to wiggle!

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